News from Shag Salon
Hello and Welcome to our very first Newsletter!
Client Spotlight
Many of you already know my dear friend Kara (Slick) Majewski, and the story of she and her son Johnny. For those of you who don’t, here is the story of a mother and son and their pact that lives on…..
Keeping Johnny’s Legacy Alive Through Our Charity Work
Our 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization was founded by Johnny’s mother to keep her son’s legacy and to honor the pact between them. “Do good, be good, and never quit” is the promise Johnny and his mom made with each other. He was only about six years old back then, but he led his life following those inspiring words. Johnny and his mom would remind themselves daily about their pact. They often said it in the morning, afternoon, and especially in the evening when they prayed—showing their commitment with those six words not just through speech but also through actions.
On July 26, 2016, the worst nightmare a mother could ever imagine happened—Johnny passed away. His mom struggled in overcoming the worst day of her life, but the unfortunate event did not stop her from keeping her promise. She vowed to keep her word and never quit, which eventually led her to establish Do Good Be Good Never Quit Inc.
About Our Charity
Johnny inspired us to start this nonprofit organization. Even though he’s not here in flesh, we wanted to honor him and the promise he and his mother made. We also aim to spread the wonderful idea behind the pact, so we made it our mission to do good, be good, and never quit. Our team provides assistance to those who are unable to help themselves. We do not only do random acts of kindness, but we also go above and beyond to help minors and their families so that they can lead happier lives.

Honoring the Pact
The pact Johnny and his mom made has literally gotten her out of bed every day since he left. She worked hard to put their promise into action. Because her word is her bond, she went on a mission to share the motivational passage. She introduces the idea to every soul she encounters and willingly extends a helping hand to those who are in need.
Johnny’s mother believes in serving and honoring God. Despite what happened, she remains faithful and trusts that the Lord has a plan for her—one that is better than what she could ever imagine. She knows that God has a purpose for everything He has done, and he will never leave her. Now, she is thankful that she was able to start a nonprofit organization because of Johnny.
Shag Salon is privileged to be considered among Johnny’s Friends. And we are blessed to be able help continue the effort of our friend Kara to, DO GOOD, BE GOOD and NEVER QUIT. Together we have been able to provide clothing, toiletries and toys to many in need. As well as serving lunch to over 100 new friends each month.

Kara not only continues to honor Johnny’s memory by providing help to those in need, she is also serving as a Juvenile Arbitrator in Charleston County. This is a juvenile diversion program designed to divert first time, non-violent/non-status offenders out of the Family Court system and into an informal arbitration setting. The youth’s are delivered sanctions set by Kara and have 90 days to complete their tasks and pass the program.
For information on how you can become one of #johnnysfriends by volunteering or donating, go to
Featured Products and Services
It’s officially Beach and Boat Season!!

Shannon’s Tips and Tricks
We all know that our hair needs protection from the Sun, Salt and Chlorine this time of year! Our treatments will definitely help keep you hair looking it’s best while you’re out there enjoying our long Lowcountry summer. But, what should you do to protect your hair when you can’t make it to the salon?? I’ve got the answer. Simply spray your hair with a generous amount of our Davines SU MILK. It smells amazing and has a UV protectant that will act as a barrier to the elements. If you haven’t gotten your hands on this little gem yet, you can always do a 1/2 and 1/2 mixture of your favorite conditioner and fresh water in a spray bottle. My Triathlete friends will definitely want to do this!! All that swimming, biking and running is great for the body and soul, but murder on that beautiful hair!!
Or, you can always just throw on one of our cute new hats and not worry about a thing ;)!